What is your Minecraft Username? Duckhemp
What is your current rank? Moderator
What rank are you applying for? Admin
What is your time zone? U.S. Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8).
How long have you been playing on Modded Minecraft Club? I believe I started playing last spring which means 10-12 months.
How often and at what times (In US-EST) can you be on each day (please be detailed)? I would be available from about 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. (US-EST) with it leaning later on the weekends.
How long have you been playing Minecraft in-general? I have been playing since about 2011.
How long have you played Modded Minecraft? I have been playing since Tekkit classic, so around 2012-2013.
In what ways have you already helped the server? I would say I’ve done a decent amount of helping out players who need help with maybe a glitched quest or some other issues I’ve been able to resolve. I’ve also done testing and building spawns for new servers.
In what ways do you plan to help the server after you become a staff member and how will holding your requested rank help you do that? I plan to be able to help players with issues that need to be resolved from actual server access. I have had multiple times where someone with access is needed to further help but no one was able to respond in a timely fashion while I am just needed to tell the player that they’ll need to wait. Obviously, this is all something we volunteer for so no one should except immediate help, but I feel like being an extra admin can help assure that issues can be resolved in a timely fashion more often.
Why do you want to become a moderator/admin? I think more admins would be useful from my experience of helping players and running into the issue of needing one, so I think applying to be an admin would help our server in that aspect.
Why do you play on Modded Minecraft Club rather than other servers? I find that MMCC is a really fun network with a lot of players and staff that I’ve enjoyed interacting with. Along with, the servers run well overall and the way we populate chat or run our discord feels very professional yet friendly compared to other servers I have seen.
In what ways would you improve the server if you owned it? I think the ways that I would improve are very much what we’re doing currently. Which is to say, seeking out more staff to help us out and asking for feedback like with our introduction of the #feedback channel in the discord feel like two major ways to try to improve the server.
Have you ever been a staff member before (on a different server)? No.
Have you ever been banned? If so, please explain why in a detailed manner: No.
Why should we choose you over other applicants or maintaining our present size? I would say that compared to others applying to admin not from a current moderator role, I have more experience with the attitude we have for how to respond and help out players. As to other current moderators, I would say that I have more experience with the GT:NH servers from what I can tell, so I would pitch myself as being useful when dealing with those servers which seem to have their own reoccurring issues. I also have some experience with a Linux terminal from my current classes.
Please rate your English skills from 1-10, 1 being no English and 10 being a native speaker with perfect grammar: 10
Do you speak any other languages? If so list them and rate them 1-10: 1.5 in Spanish.
What advice can you give to deal with people who have trouble acting maturely? If it’s something like swearing or some immature but mostly harmless humor, you can let it slide unless it’s becoming something that is annoying which then you need to politely ask them to tone it down. If it’s something that can be exclusionary or very rude, you should right away tell them to not use such language in our server and even mute or ban them if they continue after being warned.
What would you do as a moderator or admin if a new player joins and spams the chat with suggestions to make the server better? I would ask them to not spam and then tell them they can submit suggestions in our #feedback channel on Discord or make a post to the forum. If they keep at it, I would ask them to stop a second time and then mute them if they continue.
What would you do as a moderator or admin if a player was griefed but they did not claim their build? I would try to get their based rollback or return what was greifed if they can give a quick screenshot. When I would find the griefer, I would try to figure out if they need to be banned depending on the seriousness of the grief since it could be defendable of stealing a from a chest of an unclaimed spot versus blowing up some giant base.
Would you respond differently if they claimed their build? If so, how? I would mainly do the same but maybe hold getting their based rollbacked with a higher priority if I somehow had it in mind that one based was claimed versus the other. Along with, I think I would seek out the griefer with more scrutiny since it’s much less excusable if the based was claimed with most likely an instant ban if the grief was enough and the block logs gave clear evidence.
What would you do if a player joins the server for the first time and suddenly brags in chat about having many more items than they should have at that point in the game? I would try to check the block logs, inventory, and/or ghost that player with spectator to see if they are beyond just suspicious. If I find they have illegal items, I would most likely ban them since they’re obviously cheating and could be about to grief. However, if they have late game items that they don’t have the progress for, I would try to reach out and understand how they got them.
Link to any staff applications you have made to other servers: This is my previous MMCC application https://forum.moddedminecraft.club/d/435-approved-duckhemp-s-staff-application
What is your username on each of the following websites (for any you are aware of, have an account on, and are willing to share)?
• Youtube: Duckweed
• Minecraft Forums: Duckhemp
• FTB Forums: None
• Spigot: None
• GitHub: Duckgrass
• Stack Exchange: None
• Sponge: None
Do you have a phone, ipod, or tablet? We do not need a phone number, but we use two factor authentication for which a device that can run android or ios apps is necessary: I have an android phone able to do that.
Are you willing to use a password manager for your Minecraft, Discord, and MMCC forums accounts? If you don\'t know what a password manager is finding that out is part of the application: I am willing and currently have one in use for my accounts.
Provide any additional information you would like to include: I can't think of anything else. Let me know through here or discord if there's any issues or extra information.