Hello MMCC-er-ians!
As you many have noticed, two of our servers, FTB Revelation and All the Mods 3: Remix, are currently not very popular. As such, we’d like to replace them with two new packs. Right now, we’re thinking of Chemical Exchange and All the Mods 5, with a timeline of about a week until the new packs are launched. World downloads will be available for both servers after they’re removed.
We are making this post to gain feedback from players to see if other packs would be a better choice for the upcoming launch instead of CE or Atm5, and to get recommendations for future pack launches. Please reply below if you have anything to add! If we need additional feedback on how popular each option is, we may make a poll down the line. Please try to give feedback before the middle to end of the week of Jun 8th, so that we have time to take it into account before we do launches towards the end of that week (likely Saturday). We will, however, accept feedback after that point for future pack launches.