Issue Description: Somewhere around 3pm UTC the server restarted and my friend, playing under the nickname Pretorsky, lost his enchanted books. He was trying to combine two in an anvil, the server restarted, and when it came back online, they disappeared.
I wouldn't normally post an issue on such an item, but we are still in earlygame and he says it took him 3 hours of killing endermen to collect all the xp needed (lmao)
I do not know what enchants did the books have and neither does he remember that, but after combining them they were supposed to make a perfect sword, i.e.
-Sharpness V
-Looting III
-Unbreaking III
-Fire Aspect II
-Sweeping Edge III
-Knockback II
Latest known date the issue still occurs on: 3pm UTC / 11.04.2021
Your in-game name:Pretorsky was the one to lose the book, my nickname is kierowca_ubera
Any other information you wish to include:_ should I not post an issue about it, I'm sorry