Hi, a moment ago, the GTNH server crashed when I was using Book of Knowledge to do some Thaumcraft auto-research. My friends and I were asked not to login again temporarily as the buggy block 'Book of Knowledge' keeps crashing server when loaded. So I spent some time and located the bug:
In ./minecraft/script/Thaumic-Horizons.zs line 34
mods.thaumcraft.Research.setAspects("planarTheory", "vacuos 18, praecantatio 15, alienis 12, auram 9, perditio 6, tenebae 3");
there's a clerical error, where 'tenebae' should be 'tenebrae' as the correct thaumcraft aspect.
'tenebae' is refered to an undefined aspect, and will crash the server when research it in the 'Book of knowledge'
This line should be corrected as:
mods.thaumcraft.Research.setAspects("planarTheory", "vacuos 18, praecantatio 15, alienis 12, auram 9, perditio 6, tenebrae 3");
However, the block 'book of knowledge', that has already placed in the world, will still buggy and will crash the game, unless removed by world-edit.